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& programs 

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 Learning | Training | Development

for Personal Growth 

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design your experience



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The Personal Growth Workbook - FREE

Approach your personal growth in a clear, organised way without overwhelm. Structured HOW TO steps take you through the process.

Prosperity Vision Planner - PAID

Take aim and turn vision to reality through a guided reverse engineering process. Leaving you clear for action taking... (BONUS 30 Day Vision Challenge)


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WIXX Program Covers (2560 × 1440px) (16).jpg

7 Day High Value Writer - FREE

Learn HOW to write with higher value and make greater impact in your writing to boost presence, 
authority, journalling and content creation.

Discover Your Core Values - PAID

7 Step System to reveal your authentic core values.
Bring out confidence, greater connection, drive and clarity around decision making.

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Build Better Boundaries - PAID

Upgrade your self-understanding, communication skills and self worth. Set better boundaries kindly, without feeling guilty or obligated.


The Prosperity Mastermind  - PAID

A 12 week journey to breakthrough for purpose-led men ready to prosper. Exclusive places offered through application process only.



Unlocked the Short Film (Coming Soon)

Inside the personal growth and transformation space of the Prosperity Immersion Bali 2020. This
film was shot & produced by Cody Adams

Everyday Movement with Dan - PAID

Wake up with purpose, set the tone for the day ahead. Practices for both a smooth start or a power up to your day- Own the day!


Celebrity Interview - Sam Corlett (FREE)

A deep dive into character development with one of Australia's most talented and promising actors.
A natural conversation exploring psychology, the arts, human behaviour, mindfulness & philosophy.

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Guided Transformation Journey - FREE

An ancient and powerful technique brought to you to heal, accept and transform yourself on the deeper levels of your core being.

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