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Prosperity Network Community

Private·5 members


Welcome to the Prosperity Network Community Channel.

This is a private community space, and one of the tools that will help you grow your business, realise your vision & meet your potential.

Group Rules

Commit to Possibility

Rather than the downward spiral of negativity and complaining. We don't use the word 'can't'. When I am coached on this, I realise it's not criticism.

Be Proactive

Being proactive means I don't have to wait, and I can make a difference now! One difference I can make is showing up for my vision and for others.

The Present Contains the Future

Future excellence starts now. My thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and actions will create who I become, and how my impact & business will look... This is something I can choose right now.

I Believe in the Power of Community

Being part of the Prosperity Network gives you access to many minds that are greater than one. "I connect with others, I show up to listen, to share and be coached, and to help coach others".

I Play the Long Game

Consistent work over a long timeframe, is how we make massive change. Sometimes we don't feel like showing up. Endurance is our salvation.

My Work is Important

The change that I want to make is important in the culture. And not just my small business, but small business as a whole.

I Take Radical Action

Overthinking, over-planning and procrastination are common. I simply notice these patterns and take imperfect action, because I understand the power of 'trying', as motion is the goal.

Respect One Another

Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to respectfully disagree. Please be kind and courteous at all times.


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    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

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  • May 12, 2024


  • Dan Ballard

    Created by

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